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We Are SMT

Shackelford Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ had its humble beginnings in 1952, at a small home in Los Angeles, Ca. Elder William Shackelford founded the church along with his wife, First Lady Blanche Marie Shackelford. In 1953, worship services moved to 2307 South Maple Street.  At the time, the congregation consisted of 11 members.  In 1955, the church moved to 4706 South Vermont Avenue with a membership of 175 people.

Elder William Shackelford continued to mount the pulpit Sunday after Sunday for 38 years stating, “Children, I see myself preaching in the new church”.  Elder William Shackelford passed to his heavenly reward in 1990. It was on Thanksgiving morning in 1998 that Mom was reunited with Dad as she went home to be with the Lord.

In 1990, Elder Emaile Mitchell, along with his wife, First Lady Dolores Mitchell, received the torch.  He had faithfully served as Assistant Pastor alongside Elder William Shackelford for many years.  His beloved wife, who made her heavenly departure prior to him, was a dedicated Deaconess in excess of 30 years. Elder Mitchell was blessed to pastor for two years and continued the legacy of faith that this church was founded upon.  He resigned in 1992 due to health challenges.

Upon his resignation, the Jurisdictional Bishop Prelate at that time, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., later serving as Presiding Bishop of the Churches of God in Christ, Inc., appointed Elder Charles P. Smith, II, and his wife, the late First Lady Evelyn D. Smith, to the Office of Pastor and Wife. Before being appointed pastor, they served faithfully for over 30 years in ministry. They served for 18 years as pastor and wife. However, it was their desire to enjoy the fruits of their labor on this side of heaven and transition to Emeritus status. By retiring from the ministry as Pastor and First Lady, their son, Elder Chane who was Co-Pastor, was recommended to Bishop Joe L. Ealy, Jurisdictional Prelate for the First Jurisdiction of Southern California, Church of God in Christ.  After much prayer and consideration, the torch was officially passed.

On September 26, 2010, Bishop Joe L. Ealy, installed Elder Chane P. Smith, Sr. as Senior Pastor after receiving a unanimous vote by the church's membership.  Pastor Chane stated, “I am standing on the shoulders of SMT’s former great leaders!” In 2015, Bishop Joe L. Ealy elevated Pastor Chane to succeed Supt. Reuben P. Anderson as the District Superintendent of the West Angeles District for Southern California First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.

Supt. Smith, along with his innovative wife, First Lady April Smith, have not only embraced the vision of their predecessors, but with the wisdom given to them from God have taken us to new heights as we are challenged in the ministry of saving souls, changing lives and building families one day at a time. This has been accomplished by utilizing corporate prayer and through variation of studying God’s Word.

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